Research within INSPIRE or affiliated with INSPIRE encompasses 1 of 2 types of Simulation-based research described in our article in Pediatrics (Training & Assessment vs. Healthcare Innovations), which we have divided into 7 full categories. If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact us at
Training & Assessment
1. Debriefing
- Cheng et al: Co-Debriefing in Simulation-based Education
- Halamek et al: DART Debriefing Assessment
- Mullan et al: Randomized Trial of Participant-Led vs. Facilitator-Led Debriefing
- Brown et al: Summative Feedback on Provider Perceptions & Quality of CPR during Simulated Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
- Moga et al: Improving Teamwork & Safety using Acute Event Debriefing
2. Interprofessional Education, Teamwork, Communication
- Knight et al: Improving Code Team Performance & Survival Outcomes with Resuscitation Training
- Hunt / Rosen et al: Team Leadership under Stress
- Overly et al: Structured Patient Encounters
- Maa et al: PALS Performance Tool in the PICU
- Moro-Sutherland et al: Low-cost simulation in global health pediatrics
- Nicholson: Assessing Resident Competency for Informed Consent
- Mallory et al: The State of Simulation-based Assessment and Pediatric ACGME Milestones
- Chang et al: Use of Leaderboards to improve CPR Quality and Practice among Healthcare Workers
- MacKinnon et al: Use of Leaderboards to improve CPR Quality and Practice among Community High School Students
- Thyagarajan et al: Pediatric Simulation in Rural India
3. Procedural & Psychomotor Skills
- Pusic et al: Learning Retention & Decay Prevention using Radiographic Simulation
- Dadiz et al: Exploring Facilitators & Barriers to implementing Competency-based Assessment
- Arnold et al: Simulation to teach management of home tracheostomy emergencies
- White et al: Development of a Standardized Process for INSPIRE Procedure Kits
- Byrne et al: Comparison of ETI + UVC vs. LMA + IO Needle in NRP
- Brown et al: PRIDE / Disaster Triage
- Barry et al: Bag-valve Mask Training & Simulation
- Kummett et al: Development of Neonatal Critical Care Skills
- Kessler, Auerbach et al: Competency Assessment for Simulated Infant Lumbar Puncture
- Kabbur et al: Assessing UVC Training Effectiveness
- Pennaforte et al: Simulation-based Training and Acquisition of Clinical Reasoning in Neonatology
- Weiner et al: Handheld High Fidelity Simulation for IV Catheterization
Healthcare Innovations
4. Technology
- Sampson et al: Drug-prescribing App during simulated scenarios
- Kessler et al: Randomized trial of Continuous Capnograpy during Resuscitation
- Burhop et al: Difficult Pediatric Airway Simulation Study for children with Trisomy 21
- Gerard et al: Virtual Pediatric Simulator for Emergency Military Scenario Training
- Wermter et al: Improving Realism of PALS with Smart Simulation Tools & Children
5. Acute Care & Resuscitation
- Lemke et al: Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice for Resuscitation Teams
- Auerbach et al: ImPACTS – Disparities between General Emergency Departments vs. Pediatric Emergency Departments
- MacKinnon et al: Management of Critical Neurotrauma
- Levy et al: Validation of PALS Tools
- Ching et al: Simulation to Assess the PECARN Closed Head Injury Rules
- Cheng / Nadkarni et al: Bundled Intervention to Improve Outcomes from Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
- Ruscica et al: Resuscitation Review to Guide Educational Interventions
- Bould et al: Integrating Cognitive Aids
6. Human Factors
- Iyer et al: Hand-off Assessments using Simulation
- Ambati et al: Random Leader Role Assignment on Task & Team Performance
7. Patient Safety
- Fiedor-Hamilton et al: Epi-Pen Simulation for in-Hospital Anaphylaxis
- Scherzer et al: Epi-Pen Simulation for out-of-Hospital Anaphylaxis
- Flannery et al: Effect of Resident Fatigue on Simulation Training Outcomes