Help INSPIRE continue to fund the the mission! Your donation funds research, builds community, and improves the lives of children by advancing healthcare simulation through the next decade! All contributions are tax deductible and can be made easily and securely through the website. Thank you for your generosity in supporting INSPIRE!

Read about our successes this year in our Annual Report

Your Donation Makes an Impact

We are proud to keep administrative costs to a minimum so that your dollars go directly towards fulfilling our mission to improve lives through simulation science!

Your donation makes a direct impact, enabling INSPIRE members to innovate and investigate cutting edge technologies and techniques to save lives through simulation science.

Ways to Give

INSPIRE fundraising prioritizes direct support for cutting edge research projects and initiatives in the field of healthcare simulation. 

Donations will be applied to projects with the most pressing need. INSPIRE’s nimble nature allows us to excel as an incubator for cutting-edge innovation, and gives us the power to rapidly catalyze the transition from discovery to implementation. Your generous donation allows us to provide the start-up funds needed to bring these ideas to life! Some of our current areas of priority include funding:

  • Pilot studies for cutting edge ideas
  • Travel awards to promote diversity and inclusion
  • Special network-level meetings & projects to address targeted issues
  • Clinical Outcomes in Simulation Award
  • Research Accelerator in CPR Innovation
  • Novice Researcher Award
  • Low-middle Income Member- Travel Award
  • INSPIRE-IPSS Research Fellowship Program
  • Systems of Care award

Donations may be directed towards a specific project, domain of research, or award (e.g. travel award for member from a low-middle income country).  If you’d like to discuss options for named gifts, annual giving, endowments, and estate planning, please reach out to [email protected]

Levels of Donation

ALERT program, awards program, and the IPSS-INSPIRE fellowship, these researchers have gained vital skills that they are using to impact the delivery of care around the world.