Simulation-based Research Reporting Guidelines


A Joint leap into a high-quality simulation research – standardizing the reporting of simulation sciencesimEditorial2simEditorial3simEditorial1

Reporting Guidelines (SSH)
Reporting Guidelines (AIS)
Reporting Guidelines BMJSTEL








Click here to access the Explanation and Elaboration Document

Reporting guidelines provide a detailed list of items that should be included when reporting the results of research studies.  Existing guidelines, such as the [ddownload id=”572″ style=”link” text=”Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement”] for randomized trials, and the [ddownload id=”571″ style=”link” text=”Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement”] for observational studies, have been adapted to specific fields of research with the addition of extensions.  Using a consensus process, we developed extensions specific to simulation-based research for both the CONSORT and STROBE Statements and the [ddownload id=”569″ style=”link” text=”CONSORT Explanation & Elaboration”] as well as [ddownload id=”570″ style=”link” text=”STROBE Explanation & Elaboration”] documents.  We encourage simulation researchers to use these guidelines when writing and submitting their manuscripts.

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