INSPIRE @ IMSH 2016 is all new in San Diego, CA!

New ALERTS for INSPIRE @ IMSH 2016 are here

New ALERT – Team Leadership during Neonatal Resuscitation from INSPIRE_Network New ALERT – Live vs. Telepresence Team Leader on Teamwork & Communication from INSPIRE_Network New ALERT – Sim Education for Families of Chronically Ill Survivors of Critical Illness from INSPIRE_Network New ALERT – Latent Safety Threats in Critical Care Transport from INSPIRE_Network New ALERT –

New ALERTS for INSPIRE @ IMSH 2016 are here Read More »

Progress ALERTs for INSPIRE @ IMSH 2016 are here

Progress ALERT – Leaderboards to improve CPR Skills from INSPIRE_Network Progress ALERT – Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice from INSPIRE_Network Progress ALERT – Online Faculty Develoment Course on Effective Feedback from INSPIRE_Network Progress ALERT – Sim-based Assessment Tools for General Pediatric Milestones from INSPIRE_Network

Progress ALERTs for INSPIRE @ IMSH 2016 are here Read More »