Update for INSPIRE@IPSSV2020

Following the recent announcement to pivot IPSSW to a virtual experience (IPSSV 26-28 October 2020), we wanted to address INSPIRE’s plans as well.  

  • We are planning to hold the INSPIRE@IPSS meeting this October virtually as well. 
  • The meeting will be Thursday, October 29th – time TBD
  • We will also be working with all ALERT, Fellows and Award presenters to determine the optimal time for these presentations.
  • We currently plan to hold a “hybrid” INSPIRE@IMSH 2021 meeting, with both in-person and virtual components, although this may change to a fully virtual meeting depending on feedback from SSH. This meeting will initiate a year-long 10th Anniversary celebration.

More details will be sent in the coming weeks around virtual programing. Above all, we want to keep the momentum and operations of INSPIRE moving forward despite the uncertainty generated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

We thank you all for your ongoing support and understanding given these changes. We cannot overstate the importance of bringing INSPIRE together to engage with each other and learn from the collective expertise within our worldwide community.

If you have additional questions you can contact us at [email protected] or you can visit www.inspiresim.com for up-to-date information. We look forward to seeing you virtually October.


Aaron Calhoun, MD, FSSH                              David Kessler, MD, MSc
Co-Chair, INSPIRE                                             Co-Chair, INSPIRE

On behalf of the INSPIRE Executive Board

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