Call for ALERT Presentations for INSPIRE @ IMSH 2017 due October 31!!

Hi INSPIRE folks.  If you are able to talk about your study progress or a new study idea for the upcoming INSPIRE @ IMSH 2017 conference in Orlando, Florida (Saturday, January 28, 2017), then you’re in luck!

Please send your INSPIRE @ IMSH 2017 ALERT presentation to Shayla Baier at [email protected] .  Please let us know if you are submitting a New ALERT presentation or a progress report. 

Quick Q&A

  1. Do you have templates this year?
    1. Why, yes we do:  [ddownload id=”699″ text=”Download the 2017 INSPIRE @ IMSH ALERT Powerpoint Template”]
  2. What is an ALERT presentation?
    1. An ALERT presentation is a 5 minute presentation that encapsulates either your simulation-based research progress (as a progress report) or your simulation-based research idea (as a new ALERT).  The idea is to distill the essence of your study such that others can provide constructive feedback and even join in!
  3. Will I receive feedback on the ALERT presentation prior to presenting?
    1. Why, yes you will!
  4. Will I need to be present at INSPIRE @ IMSH 2017 to submit an ALERT?
    1. No, you do not.  However, if you will be there, we will invite you to present your progress report or new ALERT and will designate a block of time for discussion and networking
  5. How do I register for INSPIRE @ IMSH 2017?
    1. We discuss this in this Post right here.  Thanks!


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