How to register for INSPIRE @ IMSH 2017

Step 1

Go to and click on the orange button Register on the upper right.







Step 2

Fill out the demographic information on Page 1.

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Step 3 – if you are going only to INSPIRE @ IMSH 2017 and not to the full IMSH 2017 conference

When selecting the pre-conference activities, select International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education (INSPIRE) Annual Meeting.

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Step 4 – if you are going to both INSPIRE @ IMSH 2017 & the full IMSH 2017 conference

Select your normal registration status (Member, non-member, Resident/Student, Allied Health, etc.), then progress through the rest of the IMSH 2017 conference registration until you get to Emergency Contact.  You will see immediately underneath a section on IMSH Mentorship Program for first-time attendees.




Click YES on I am attending INSPIRE

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